"and the land was desecrated by their blood."
- Why do you think this event had the impact it did on public trust in
public institutions like the government?
The “Watergate scandal” was not the 1st
scandal to impact public trust, it was not unexpected from politicians. It was
just a scandal of many put out and made a spectacle of. There is a greater scandal
talked about by a sitting president on 04/27/1961.
- How might trust in public institutions, especially government, be
Transparency is Key to a free and open
society. If there is no transparency, starting with the ballot box, there is no
trust for the government. Everything seems to be secret and redacted, that’s how
far our country’s transparency goes. Therefore, there is no trust especially when
censorship is the “IN” thing in media today. You can talk only of this, but not
of that, type of censorship.
When I first registered to vote in 2008, I registered republican. Republican because between 2003 and 2008 I was in my earning prime, the best years of my life. I was surrounded and mentored by “Self-Made” men and most of those men were migrants who believed in capitalism and believed that every man could make his own way in this great country and most of them were republican because of the belief in that. At that point of my life, I was fresh out of the street and those men gave me an opportunity because they seen something in me that they wanted to nurture. I exceeded the $100k a year mark during those times of my life with only a GED and little experience in the finance or retail industry. But they taught me, and I made it to the middle class living as a middle-class citizen for many years. But then Obama began to run for office and everyone around me shuffled to vote against him, dragging me along to register republican and vote against Obama, “Osama” as they called him. They taught me that the republican party was for me because of who I was then, a “Self-Made” man. Then the 2008 crash came and many of my colleagues and myself lost homes and property because of the housing market crash. Now I believe that the democrat and the republican party are two sides of the same coin. Two sides of the same evil agenda to destroy the U.S.A. Only that the democratic party leans more towards a socialist type of government, which scares the living daylights out of me, just look at Venezuela, they go out hunting for dogs and cats at night to eat. And Gen Y and Z don’t know what it took to build this country and what the veterans of WW1 and WW2 fought for. They think that Universal Basic Income is a good idea, but they don’t understand that this is a form of socialism. When a president makes a speech https://youtu.be/cgHGg8PiAqo like the speech JFK made in April 27th 1961 about “Secret Societies” and ‘Transparency” and the word “Secret” being “repugnant in a free and open society” JFK 04/27/1961, and then after a few weeks, he gets assassinated. It raises a lot more questions, the answers provided by the government don’t make any sense to an educated population, then trust begins to go down the drain. JFK was a democrat. So, it doesn’t matter republican or democrat since they both seem to flip flop in policies and there are today some democrats with republican policies interests and some republican with democratic policies interests hence, “two sides of the same coin” Now I just pay attention to whom is for or against killing babies in the womb. Because God promises grave fury against those who “shed the blood of the innocent”
everyone wants to wonder, “What is wrong with our country today?”
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