Welcome to my prison ministry chronicle vol 1 entry 5.
Faith journal entry written December 20th, 2021
This journal entry was written in regard to trying to find the funding for a ministry that needed to continue after my incarceration. I later concluded that suing anyone was unscriptural and would not give a good testimony of who I was in Christ Jesus. Because I've learned that a Christian does not sue in court. A Christian does not cause conflict in any circumstance. So, I concluded that the Lord would provide for his sanctuary and his ministry.
This is called the future. I pretty much need to gather my thoughts about the future. As far as my case is concerned, I believe that there is an advantage to this circumstance. I believe and I have prayed about how I was injured in the arrest and the police report does not mention anything about it. I was rejected entry at the Pima County jail because of the injuries the police caused. So, they had to transport me from the Pima County jail to Saint Mary's hospital on May 7th, 2021, to get some stitches, seven of them. I think I will ask attorney Ben Greem my defender if he knows of someone who will be interested in representing me in a lawsuit filing against the Tucson Police Department for personal and physical and financial injury and psychological distress. With the settlement I will open a transitional house for men who want to live for Christ Jesus and live a productive life. There, they will be able to look and find jobs so they can pay rent there and they will be called the sanctuary #2. We will also be doing what we started at the sanctuary 88. I don't know what happened to sanctuary 88. But, besides it's not mine it's Father Gods. So, I'm not looking there anymore unless I need an address. If I need to, I have a temporary camp to stay at if I must. I don't think I can tolerate going back to the sanctuary 88.
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