Welcome to my prison ministry chronicle vol 1 entry 2.

Second journal entry written May 22nd, 2021:

This entry I wrote in my defense to an assessment done on me by the probation dept to the court of Tucson AZ. In which they labeled me a “Chronic Felon”

 I don't identify as a felon. I'm a free and sovereign man made in God's image. I have many witnesses to testify in my behalf to that. For the past three years I have lived as a law-abiding citizen, substance, medication, and alcohol free. A testimony to all mental health and all law enforcement agencies of the healing power of God through Jesus Christ to my individual person who held jobs from dishwasher to salesperson to a minister of God through the pandemic working with COVID-19 positive people and not once having to wear a hazmat suit and not ever being infected. I have positively influenced many people and I have been a positive role model to many. I have emotionally and financially supported many poor and homeless and I have opened the doors to my home to the hungry, the sick, and tired. My home is known as “the sanctuary” where many people have come for biblical guidance, spiritual and emotional support. My neighbors respect and admire me, and I love them as well. No one that knows me will say that I carry myself as a felon. I was not well when I was labeled as one. I was extremely ill. I don't remember admitting to anything.


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