Welcome to my prison ministry chronicle vol 1 entry 4.

4th journal entry written December 15th, 2021

This entry was written after news from the public defender that there was a possibility to get probation and be released. I was hopeful but it was not God’s will, I was sentenced to prison time a month later at sentencing.

Today is the 15th of December. This morning I was in prayer, and I believe that I will ask to be transferred to probation in Sacramento. The only blood I have is there. I need to spend my old age with my daughter and my grandchildren. I don't want to die alone. The purpose of man is God and his offspring his children. So, I have a new goal. I'm going to pray to God to direct me in that. When I got here to jail seven months ago, I had selfish plans. But now that I'm about to get out in one month I would like to spend the rest of my life with my daughter and her family. Maybe by being there my sons will find it in their hearts to forgive me and build a relationship with me. This fall should be easy now that I've lost everything again. I can start over there. Probation will be done in 18 months if I can't transfer, or I pay off fees by then. I'll live cheaply as possible and save every cent . I'm not doing this alone God is with me he will teach me and guide me and direct my steps. I have to be humble to take the steps I'm going to have to take. There are people and places I will have to visit to ask for help. I'm going to need the help. I just hope that I'm in the Lord's will which I believe I am living in his will. The Lord will direct my steps. I know of two or three places and people that will help me. I just must humble myself. I still don't know what the good father God is going to do about the trailer but I since that my responsibility will be to see if any money is owed against it.


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