Welcome to my prison ministry chronicle vol 1 entry 3.

Third journal entry written May 26th, 2021.

Finally, I get it, I think it's been revealed. Once or more than once I prayed to Father God that I didn't care what it took nor what it cost but that even if he took everything from me that I didn't care I would love him anyways. That all I wanted was him. So, he put that to the fire and tested it. I think I passed the test, or I think I'm still being tested. But before I came to jail, I was concerned about being complacent. It came up more than once in prayer and I even mentioned it to a brother and sister a few times that I didn't feel I deserve to be in the sanctuary. I even felt guilty about buying a bed a couple of weeks earlier. I'm preaching Jesus and my joy is full and peace is in every bone of my body and soul. I don't care of what I left behind out there, Father God covers me with his wings, and I feel his presence. He is smiling with me, and I'm satisfied. I'm not alone in here for he is in here with me. bye


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