

Guillermo Gonzalez

Colorado Technical University















The reason I took an interest and made it a hobby to research “Armageddon” is because I study the Holy Bible, and in there, it talks a lot about the end of everything. And I am interested in “The end”. There is an end to everything, including my life here on earth and I’ve grown obsessed with seeing to the end of things. The end of everything is as real as your face in the mirror. So how secure are you when the end comes? That’s why it’s so important for me to know that I will be okay after I die.

In multiple places in the Holy Bible, in the Old Testament and the New Testament, including Jesus’s quotes and teachings, there is warnings about an end. But I will not be citing scripture because “It’s not a reliable source” per scholar standards and per instructed class assignment directions. Instead, I will be using secular means to point to prove Armageddon. So, I look at many separate places to see signs of the end-times. A quote by Exley says:  "A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go to party’, but we're commanded by God to warn people. I wish I could just be like everybody else, but it's so much better to know that when the end comes, you'll be safe." (Exley,2022)

It is common knowledge that if you do not learn from your mistakes, you’re bound to repeat it, same it is with history, if we keep repeating the same mistakes then we are bound to repeat them. As Albert Einstein put it, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein summary Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia 2021, April 29). We must learn from our past and we must see what we have been-warned about in our past. That way we know what our future holds. That is why I urge you to study “end-time” prophecy so that you can prepare, spiritually.

What is so fun and exciting about my hobby researching Armageddon is that Armageddon pinpoints a place and time when everything is coming to a climax. Time, life, everything as we know it will come to a clash. I want to be ready and not be-caught by surprise when it happens. Because I know it is in our lifetime. As is described by (Lerner, R. E. 2022) “Armageddon, the place: the Palestinian city of Megiddo, and the time: will be when the next battle is fought on those crossroads of Egypt and Syria,


where battles are being fought today. But the next major ones will be fought by God, His angels and Satan and his demons. This place has been a hotbed of battle for centuries.”

It doesn’t cost anything to learn and seek out the truth. The truth is out there but you must be willing to want it and seek it out. You will be surprised to know how much our creator God wants to teach you. And we have the tools to do it. The internet is amazing. God will weed out the lies from the truth once you learn to trust Him. It is easy to pick-up this hobby because all you must do to be “Born again” in spirit, is accept the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and the resurrection on the 3rd day. He did that for the sin debt owed by humanity to a Holy, Righteous, just God, That Jesus paid for with His life. Washing the worlds sin away with His blood. The only thing for anyone to do is accept, repent of a life of sin, receive forgiveness for your sin, and receive the gift of salvation and eternal life. Then being sinless and “born-again” of spirit, God the Father will start to show you the truth from the lies. Then you will be able to see what is really going on in the spirit. It is free, it doesn’t cost anything, Jesus Christ paid it ALL on the cross already. Giving us the ability to approach the throne of God boldly as His children and asking Father God anything and He will teach you everything you want to know.

The benefits to having a personal and intimate relationship with your creator through Jesus Christ is that you will never be in the dark, never will be ignorant of the truth, and you’ll always have access to God the creator of everything 24/7, you will have access to God that knows the beginning and the end, who is the alpha and the omega, is first and last. Plus, when you shed this shell that we call a body, we will be where He is forever. And Jesus Christ is the only way there. Jesus Christ is the “Bridge” The “Door” The “Gate”. There is no other way to eternity with the creator of everything. But there are all sorts of ways to eternity without him, in complete separation from Him, complete darkness and sadness and the worst of everything forever, it is called hell.



So, in conclusion, Studying Armageddon, or studying “end-time” prophecy is wise, because it will lead you to realize that what we have been-told about our future repeatedly, has been confirmed and verified repeatedly by actual events coming to fruition hundreds even thousands of years after its announcement. All Bible prophecies have happened that were-predicted by intimate friends of God, whom we call prophets. There are still more to come, Armageddon is just one of them. We as humans are not just “Star dust” floating in space on a little rock called earth. We are a significant part of an Intelligent designer who has told us about the beginning from the end. He (Yahweh, God) holds no secrets that are beneficial to our existence. Acknowledgement and recognition of whom He, (our creator) is, and what He has done to have personal and intimacy relationship with each one of us is, as a loving father would wish to have with His children, is the beginning of wisdom.

He, our Father God did not create programs, or robots, and living creations are not his puppets or controlled mechanisms. He created us like Him, to choose and decide and will for self for Him.  Do we choose to live for others, or we chose to live selfishly and only to gain and covet and benefit ourselves? To be our own little gods, worshipping ourselves? That is where sin starts. Which is the natural fallen state of humankind, which Jesus Christ came to fix. God made it, Adam broke it, Jesus Christ fixed it. The fix, it is a very intimate and personal choice. Are we willing to live to die for someone else, Like Jesus Christ did? Will Armageddon happen because we choose to kill for gain and greed instead of to love and die for someone else or others? Which is a greater reward. Eternity for after shedding this shell of a body, and honor dying for someone else or something meaningful is such a formidable way to die. I would rather die in honor than die in greed and selfishness only for myself. But that is the Yaqui Native American in me. Or is the godly man in me? Or is it Jesus Christ in me? You say, but I like it better than the other, which seems cowardice to me. So, when we are “Born Again” we are not alone, your creator, The God of



everything, YAHWEH Adonai, Elohim Yehua, is His name, is with us, through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, even when Armageddon comes. No need to fear anything when He is with you.























Dictation Reference Page


Exley. (2022). Everything Must Come to An End. Quotations & Sayings.


Lerner, R. E. (2022). Armageddon. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2021, April 29). Albert Einstein summary. Encyclopedia Britannica.



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