
Showing posts from December, 2022

A Christan HAS to love his enemy.


Free survival book download in "READ MORE"

Free Survival book Download here  




  ·         Armageddon ·         Encyclopedia Britannica ·         Lerner, R. E. (2022, October 18). ·         Armageddon. Encyclopedia Britannica. ·     ·         The reason why I took an interest and made it a hobby to research “Armageddon” is because I study the Holy Bible, and in there, it talks a lot about the end of everything. And I’m interested in “The end”. There is an end to everything, including my life here on earth and I’ve grown obsessed with seeing to the end of things. The end of everything is as real as your face in the mirror.   ·         In multiple places in the Holy Bible, in the Old Testament and the New Testament, including Jesus’s quo...

YouTube Banned and Deleted This Audio Video, I wonder what they don't want you to know?

  This Audio Video was recorded on 03/2020 when President Trump was in office. Something is in it that YouTube doesn't want you to hear. Might it be the Anthony Weiner Laptop? Thye HRC Emails? What is it? Can anyone listen and comment please?

Street children ministry

A disciples prayer

  a disciple’s prayer Oh God, be you exalted over my possessions. Nothing of earth's treasures shall seem dear to me if only you are glorified in my life. Be you exalted over my friendships. I am determined that you shall be above all. Though I must stand deserted and alone in the midst of the earth, BU exalted above my comfort. Though it means the loss of my bodily comforts and the carrying of heavy crosses, I shall keep my vow made this day before you. Be you exalted over my reputation, make me ambitious to please you. Even if as a result I must sink into obscurity and my name be forgotten as a dream. Rise, oh Lord, enter your proper place of honor, above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family, above my health, and even my life itself. Let me decrease that you may increase, let me see that you may rise above. Ride forth upon me as you did right unto Jerusalem mounted upon a humble little colt, a foal of a donkey. And let me hear the children pray and sing to...

Fellowship of the unashamed

  Fellowship of the unashamed I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, and smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions, mundane talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companion's few, my guide is reliable, my vision is clear. I won't give up, I won't back up, I won't let up, or shut up until I've preached, and I'm prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I must go until he returns, give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until he comes. And when He comes to get his own, He will have no problem recognizing me...


  A story of Martyrdom of the saints by the papacy, roman universal church and the Jesuit order to suppress the True Gospel.

This Is Yuval Harari Klaus Schwab's Pet Demon 2


Know Thy Enemy Watchman 2


True happiness is a bi-product of JOY.

True happiness is a bi-product of JOY. J.O.Y. put: J.  esus.        1st O.  thers.      2nd Y.  ourself.   Last It's worked for me. I'm sure it'll work for you. When we give our attention on others we're displaying love. Love heals All wounds.