Faithful or Foolish.

I am currently working out my role conflicts by stepping back and regrouping. I had to step back from my role as a janitor at a local mental health clinic where I was starting at ground level in the mental health field where I was perusing a career as a Peer Support Specialist. But I had to step away from that particular organization for reasons of role conflict. I had been harassed by my supervisor for a couple of months because of my faith in Jesus Christ. It reached a point where he asked me how I was going to manage my faith and my career as a P.S.S because my faith was "Taboo" in the field. So, I had to quit the job as a janitor at that mental health clinic. Because I figured that it was not as diverse and inclusive as the organization claimed to be. So, there were some role conflicts there between me being a mentor with a Christian faith foundation that was not allowed to be himself at work. So, the role as janitor at a mental health facility, a Christian base mentor and a student pursuing a certification as a peer support specialist conflicted and clashed. I'm still working out how I'm going to resolve career/ faith-based mentor/ conflict. So I'm jobless today. And trusting on God to provide. Many are going to say to a Christian "it's not wise to not take the mark of the beast" but only the faithful will trust in the Lord than the beast system. If they don't want Jesus then I don't want to be there. The question is how far and for how long are you willing to comply and conform to the world? Jesus taught us that friendship with the world is enemy with God. Sometimes you might make a decision that seems foolish to the natural man but anything done in faith seems foolish to a worldly man. Look at Noah, they thought he was crazy building a boat in the middle of the desert when it had never rained. Who was faithful and who was foolish. Start thinking about these things in the end days.


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