Case For Demi Lovato.

 Case For Demi Lovato.

It's not her fault. The "church" taught her "churchianity" religion not relationship with a living resurrected God. Jesus Christ is not a religion He's a person we have a personal relationship with. She tried to be "saved" but there was never any discipleship in her life or a true spirit filled believer in her life. She is not far from God's grip, I hope. We should be praying for her. I has been mislead just as many of us have and she got lost along the way as many of us have. But the Lord promised to leave the 99 to go after the one. It's the churches fault. Anyone can call themselves "christian" even unbelievers call themselves "christian" she lost her way because the church left her on her own. How do we help bring her out of the darkness and into the light? How did you come to repentance and into the light? Who and how many people were praying for you when you were in your sin? She's under demonic oppression. We need to pray for her. Let God be dignified and offended not you. Be oFfENDed BY NO One.  Give her an opportunity to repent. Pray for her. Let's not be pharisees. Let's forgive them for they know not what they do. If Jesus Christ made that prayer we should to. Scripture doesn't mean anything to a person who is dead in sin. You can try to Bible thump the lost and all your going to do is make them resist and reject the Truth, Jesus. Putting a lost person on blast is only going to make them hate Jesus even more.


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